How to make it in America as a professional falconer.
Oregon Field Guide – Urban falconry: A very Portland solution.
Downtown Sacramento using falconry to clear the sky of pooping crows.
Hanford crow control program redirects bird from downtown.
Soaring to the rescue: Vineyards using birds to protect precious grapes.
Specially-trained hawks being used to scare away crows in downtown Portland.
Latest weapon in Portland's war on crow poop: More birds.
Birds of prey patrolling downtown Sacramento to get rid of nuisance crows.
Raptors for bird abatement: Vineyard owners send in the falcons.
Falcons used to fight seagull problem at dump.
Hawks launched to scare crows in downtown Portland.
Check out the swooping creatures that are watching downtown Portland's crows like a hawk.
Downtown Sacramento Partnership to use hawks to rid murders of crows on K Street.
Falcons protect plants at Nutrilite's Trout Lake Farm.
At a Portland garbage station, the ancient art of falconry may solve a modern problem.